
Fatimata Seye Sylla SPEAKER OF AIS 2018 IN DAKAR

Mrs. Fatimata Seye Sylla, Engineer

Specialist in ICT in education, teacher training, and education policy development

Experience in project management, social mobilization, public private partnerships, and gender


Madam Fatimata Seye Sylla holds a Master of Science from the Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Technology University degree (DUT) in Computer Science from the Technology University Institute (IUT) of Havre in France, a Certificate of Business Administration (CGE) from CESAG, an Africa regional postgraduate management school in Dakar.


Since October 2014, Fatimata Seye Sylla has served as the Regional Educational Representative for FHI360 / West and Central Africa. In this role she functions as the technical lead in business development activities for the sub-region as well as provides technical assistance and oversight to education projects and the FHI360 legacy organization (the Senegalese Private Sector Foundation for Education) within her portfolio (primary schools, middle schools, accelerated learning centres and koranic schools).


From October 2008 to September 2013, she served as the National ICT Coordinator to connect to the internet hundreds of middle schools in Senegal as part of the USAID-EDB (basic education) project for better quality education. She promoted “ICT in education” teacher training programs and local digital content development in 300 schools by teachers and students and provided assistance to raise funds from private sector companies to support the project ICT in Education initiative. She also led the development of a contribution document to the policy of ICT in Education for Senegal.


For 2 years, Fatimata was the acting DCOP for the USAID/EDB project, providing oversight to the other 4 technical program components (Curriculum and Teaching, Vulnerable Children, Good Governance and Public Private Partnership), the Grants management unit, the M&E unit and the Finance and Administration unit.

For 6 years Fatimata worked as the Team Leader of the Informatics and Education research laboratory of the “Ecole Normale Superieure” of Dakar”, a teacher training school of Cheikh Anta Diop University. During this time, she initiated the LOGO project, a computer-based initiative focused on training teachers and children ages 6-12 to develop French literacy skills (both reading and writing) as well as to learn mathematical and scientific concepts using computers.


From 2003 to 2006, she was selected as COP to run the USAID “Digital Freedom Initiative” (DFI) program, a US Presidential initiative to bridge the digital divide in Senegal by strengthening over 100 Small and Medium Enterprises from different sectors including health and education in the use of ICT for economic development.


She has also served as a director of private companies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and worked as an expert consultant for several foreign and international organizations such as MIT, UNESCO / BREDA, UN / ECA, ITU, IDRC, UNDP, AAWORD, Francophonie, UN/DAW, ENDA, USAID, etc.


Ms. Seye Sylla is author of several publications and studies in the fields of ICT, education, gender and development, ICT and democracy, Internet governance and mobile banking.


As an active member of the African civil society community for the promotion of ICT for development in Africa, Fatimata invested a lot of resources and time to support her community mostly focusing on women and youth.  She is a founding member of many ICT-related associations and NGOs (ISOC, OSIRIS, FOSSFA, ACSIS, Régentic, Bokk Jang).  She was nominated member of the At Large Advisory Committee of Internet Corporation for Assigning Names and Numbers (ICANN / ALAC, from November 2007 to November 2009 and Chair of ALAC / AFRALO from 2009 to 2013.


Fatimata was nominated by ALAC to join the ICANN nominating committee for 2 one-year mandates in a row (2014 and 2015).  She recently served as a member of the ICANN Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) 2016 representing AFRALO to select the At-Large Board member in 2017.


In March 2017, Fatimata is nominated and selected by AfChix[1] as one of the ten (10) African Women in Technology Role Models whose stories are video record and shared, to inspire hundreds of young girls and women into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


Fatimata is reelected as ICANN/AFRALO Vice-Chair in 2018.


In October 2013, Fatimata is reelected President of the Bokk Jang NGO in Senegal (  She led the training of 46 female engineers in Android applications development and is still providing support to them for their professional projects.



Mrs Houda Chakiri is CEO and founder of Enhanced Technologies, a Moroccan IT company specializing in developing, integrating and deploying e-Government web solutions


Selected among top ten finalists of Sawaed contest, named among 100 best social entrepreneurs in GK3, Malaysia 2007, selected in Techwomen program 2012 funded by the US department of State Houda got the IEEE CIST 2014 Young ICT Entrepreneur Award ( ieee-cist-2014-young-entrepreneur-award) and got the WSTEM best middle level executive award 2015 by Meera Kaul Foundation.


She is an Afchix board member representing North Africa , chair of IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity group in Morocco , and Vice-Chair of Arab women in computing ( ) Morocco’s chapter .


Mrs Houda Chakiri got a bachelor’s degree in Physics from Mohammed the Vth University in Rabat 1997, a master’s degree in Laser Physics from Hassan IIth from University of Casablanca 1999, and a Master’s Degree of Science in Computer Networks from Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane 2003.


Houda has worked since 2003 as an IT manager overseeing different R&D projects at ICT4D laboratory at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, and she currently working on her PHD thesis at Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fès and the change that introduction of ICT brings to the organizational, political, and social levels in local public administration in Morocco



Prof Awa NIANG est Directrice de l’Institut Supérieur d’Enseignement Professionnel (ISEP) de Richard-Toll. Professeur Titulaire en Electronique elle a dirigé le Département Génie Mécanique de l’Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) de l’UCAD de 2011 à 2013.

Elle mène ses recherches en collaboration avec différents laboratoires de recherche en France. Elle a été  chercheur contractuel du CNRS en France et responsable de plusieurs programmes internationaux de recherche  de l’International Foundation for Science et de l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement IRD.

Prof Awa Niang a dirigé et co-dirigé plusieurs thèses de doctorat unique et est auteur de plusieurs publications scientifiques. Elle est également membre de plusieurs comités scientifiques internationaux  et  Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Lion.


Dorcas Muthoni SPEAKER OF AIS 2018 IN DAKAR

Ms. Dorcas Muthoni,  Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa (Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)-Barcelona) | World Economic Forum Global Council Member on Technology Values and Policy | Internet Hall of Fame Inductee | World Economic Forum Young Global Leader| Top 40 Under 40 Women 2014 in Kenya | Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology’s Change Agent award winner | Women’s Forum Rising Talent |

Ms. Dorcas Muthoni, an entrepreneur and computer scientist, is the CEO and founder of OPENWORLD LTD (, a software company she started at the age of 24 years.


OPENWORLD is now a leading e-Government and Business Software Services firm in the Eastern Africa region. OPENWORLD has been involved in the delivery of some most widely used web and cloud applications in Africa such as ARIS, an African Union reporting application used by all the 54 member states, Performance Management System for the Government of Kenya automating performance contracting in the public sector and OpenBusiness, a revolutionary cloud/mobile SME onmichannel retail trade platform.


Muthoni is also the founder of a mentorship and capacity building initiative for women in computing across Africa, AfChix,. Since the year 2004, in Kenya and across other countries, AfChix activities have included, organizing annual Computing Career Conferences with a special emphasis on encouraging the uptake of computing careers amongst young women and high school girls; continuous career development for technical women as well role modeling to upcoming women in computer science.


This passion and involvement has christened her as a role model for the women and girl folk in the African community. Muthoni has been on the board of directors several global tech companies including Ushahidi and Enset. Through her day to day work as an entrepreneur and computer scientist, Muthoni seeks to see technology positively transforming the lives of the African society, governments and enterprises. She is married to Joseph, with two daughters Miranda and Veronica.




Titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur en informatique à l’Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar; Awa Caba est entrepreneur et consultante en IT appliqué à l’agro-business. Elle a complété ses études avec une formation en “Business & Entrepreneurship” à l’université de Iowa aux Etats-Unis.

Awa est Cofondatrice et Directrice de Sooretul; la première plateforme digitale de promotion des produits agricoles transformés par les femmes au Sénégal. Cette Start up a reçu le prix du Rebranding Africa Award en 2015, le Picth AgriHack en 2016 et une reconnaissance internationale du Président Barak OBAMA pour avoir apporté une innovation dans le secteur de l’Agriculture et de la Technologie.

Etant consultante du Fonds International de Développement Agricole (FIDA) en 2013, elle a facilité la mise en place d’une stratégie de commercialisation et de communication des produits locaux transformés par les bénéficiaires des Programmes d’Appui au Développement Agricole et à l’Entrepreneuriat Rural et Projet d’Appui aux Filières Agricoles (PADAER/PAFA). Elle a par la suite été Coordinatrice Nationale de « Innovation Factory », un programme de la GIZ (Coopération Allemande) pour la mise en place d’un AgriTech Hub à Thiès afin de stimuler la création de solutions innovantes auprès des jeunes dans l’agriculture et les TIC au Sénégal.

De par ces expériences dans la technologie et l’agriculture et son désir de vulgariser l’importante de la technologie dans le développement; Awa a conceptualisé et dispensé un module de cours au Master Agrobussiness de L’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis ( UGB ) en e-commerce, web marketing et vulgarisation de technologie agricole.

Elle est aussi co-fondatrice du premier réseau des femmes dans la technologie au Sénégal Jjiguene Tech Hub dont le but est d’encourager et d’inspirer plus de femmes à intégrer l’écosystème des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et des STEM (Science, Technologie, Ingénierie et Mathématiques). Avec sa startup Sooretul, les différents projets et programmes, Awa participe à l’autonomisation financière des jeunes et femmes et favorise l’impulsion de l’économie numérique autour de l’agro-business au Sénégal, en Afrique.