Mrs Houda Chakiri is CEO and founder of Enhanced Technologies, a Moroccan IT company specializing in developing, integrating and deploying e-Government web solutions www.enhanced-tech.ma.


Selected among top ten finalists of Sawaed contest http://www.enhanced-tech.ma/index.php?lang=english, named among 100 best social entrepreneurs in GK3, Malaysia 2007, selected in Techwomen program 2012 funded by the US department of State www.techwomen.org. Houda got the IEEE CIST 2014 Young ICT Entrepreneur Award (http://www.ieee.ma/cist14/cist-14-awards/85- ieee-cist-2014-young-entrepreneur-award) and got the WSTEM best middle level executive award 2015 by Meera Kaul Foundation.


She is an Afchix board member representing North Africa http://www.afchix.org/ , chair of IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity group in Morocco https://www.facebook.com/Moroccan-WIE-1178962545572970/ , and Vice-Chair of Arab women in computing (http://arabwic.org/ ) Morocco’s chapter https://www.facebook.com/ArabWICMa/ .


Mrs Houda Chakiri got a bachelor’s degree in Physics from Mohammed the Vth University in Rabat 1997, a master’s degree in Laser Physics from Hassan IIth from University of Casablanca 1999, and a Master’s Degree of Science in Computer Networks from Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane 2003.


Houda has worked since 2003 as an IT manager overseeing different R&D projects at ICT4D laboratory at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, and she currently working on her PHD thesis at Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fès and the change that introduction of ICT brings to the organizational, political, and social levels in local public administration in Morocco