When did the event take place?
On 5th April 2013
Who was there?
- • Lillian Achom
- • Emily Namugaanyi
- • Lisa Katusiime
- • Viola Bazanye
- • Martha Lukabwe
- • Liz Mirembe
- • Senior five and senior six students of Namirembe Hillside School
- • The Computer Teacher at Namirembe Hillside School
What was the event about?
- Empowering girls to take up IT careers
- Inform them about Afchix and what it represents.
- Answer burning questions about IT jobs and careers.
Where did the event take place?
Namirembe Hillside School, Kampala, Uganda
Namirembe Hillside School, Kampala, Uganda
The Afchix team arrived at 2:00pm
Seminar with Senior Five Students and Senior Six Students
Group Presentation
Introducing Afchix
IT careers presentation
Questions from students
Activity session
Why was the event scheduled?
Afchix has a vision of gender diversity in the IT and computer science industry to:
- Inspire girls to take up IT related careers.
- Network with women for the purpose of supporting them to grow in their IT careers
- Encourage young girls to take up IT careers.
Highlights of the Career Guidance Seminar
Namirembe Hillside School is located in Gayaza, Wakiso district. The seminar was meant for girls in particular but the boys were also allowed to participate – and they indeed took part. The computer teacher introduced the team and handed over to Lisa who further introduced the team and each member gave a brief introduction of themselves.
Namirembe Hillside School is located in Gayaza, Wakiso district. The seminar was meant for girls in particular but the boys were also allowed to participate – and they indeed took part. The computer teacher introduced the team and handed over to Lisa who further introduced the team and each member gave a brief introduction of themselves.
Lillian Achom and Emily Namugaanyi were the featured speakers inspiring the students to take up IT related careers. They encouraged the students to make their careers more than just a job. Lillian gave the students an overview of what Afchix is and what it represents – i.e. the goal and mission of Afchix. Emily broadened the students’ knowledge of IT related careers and encouraged the students to challenge themselves to perform excellently in class and to be creative and innovative in their thinking.
The activity session was led by Liz and Lisa. The students were grouped in groups of 10 and were given an IT word puzzle. They were required to find as many words as possible in five minutes. They were not informed that the winner would be given a prize. In the end they were disappointed to find out that the winner was given a pack of sweets and they had not given it their best. They were encouraged to always do their best. In IT team work is very important as it helps accomplish tasks better and faster.
Martha and Viola were responsible for the video and photos. They did an excellent job and the pictures came out great. Overall the event was successful and enjoyable for all the parties that were involved.Questions asked by the students include:
1. Give examples of IT companies one can setup?
2. What achievements have we got as Afchix?
3. How can men be involved in Afchix?
4. What combinations do we have to do to get into IT courses at university?
5. How does a person earn when they build an application? How does the application bring them income?Quotes from students
“I am excited about Afchix and how can I be part of it”
1. Give examples of IT companies one can setup?
2. What achievements have we got as Afchix?
3. How can men be involved in Afchix?
4. What combinations do we have to do to get into IT courses at university?
5. How does a person earn when they build an application? How does the application bring them income?Quotes from students
“I am excited about Afchix and how can I be part of it”